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NG2 Admin on ASP.NET Core Boilerplate with Angular2 (TypeScript)

Hi guys,

It’s time for some big challenges, let me start with my new integration of ng2 admin panel with asp.net CORE boilerplate, fully app capable and width pretty strong security. This is module ZERO and uses bearer token authentication and local storage (not yet implemented) on Angular2 typed on TypeScript (WebPack for so many reasons).

Live Demo

A Lot of people don’t like entity framework migration tool so this is designed as SaaS application (software as a service) with tenants and all of the stuffs from asp.net boilerplate. Gladly, Visual Studio 2017 is on the way, so i will stop updating this repo, at least Identity Server 4 is realized.

And for the BIG challenge:

 I will try to develop system with integration of 6 most desired and most used tools for SEO, Artificial Intelligent, Online Payments and Administration.

 I will use every automation process for development that i know and 3 virtual machines for run in time testing (Linux, windows server, Android).

 Everything will be committed to GitHub with auto builds from AppVeyor and TravisCLI.

The time will not be enough to remember all of the things so every process of designing, writing and testing will be added to waffle.io.

For now, its sound like 1 year job for big company, but i don’t have this time so everything will be programmed and shipped for most – short time as possible.

I will start from my current integration with the great support of Rescharper ULTIMATE. On the virtual machines i will add external agents for dotMemory and dotTrace, the links will be added to GitHub. Every help will be accepted with some beers!

The app will be fully Docker supported and for the frond end the build process will be completed with NodeJS, the other libraries have to be built with “dotnet build” (ASP.NET Core CLI).

So, this will be BIG. So big that i plan to create some new personal record for fastest creating and realizing this kind of system. My last personal record was one month development of admin panel on asp.net mvc.


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